Explore New York City in the order you
choose, cleaning up the streets and tracking down the 10 super-villains behind
the plot to frame Spider-Man - all in 24 real-time hours. The game starts
with a lengthy cartoon intro before dropping you off at the Daily Bugle Office
to begin your quest. Although the manual makes the controls look
complicated they quickly become second nature, and Spiderman is as agile as he
should be - swinging through the streets and crawling along any flat surface
including building facias. Travelling around the city you must avoid or
incapacitate gang members, animal enemies and the police, as well as the
occasional boss to hunt down the 5 keys needed to defuse the bomb and defeat the
Kingpin. A CD-audio rock soundtrack covers up the sometimes dodgy spot
effects, and the graphics are pretty standard for platform-fare, but the game
remains challenging and fun, if a little repetitive. |